Module 10: Description Files

 Module 10: Description Files

##Module # 10 Building your own R package assignment






write.dcf(list(Package = "Tyler", 

               Title = "This package is a test file of competency", 

               Description = "To tackle this problem", 

               Version = "", 

               License = "CC0 1.0 Universal", 

               AuthorsR = "Tyler House <>", 

               Depends = "R (>= 3.1.3)",

               LazyData = "TRUE"))

##This is my first, very brief, but complete description file using devtools

##are there other ways to format these or organize them, I want to have good operational detail because if it looks bad? It will be looked upon bad, vise versa.

##Call it, practicing creating my 'signature' in how I inmplement code in IDE's across multiple languages not just R.

Console Output:


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