Module 8

 #Module 8 Assignment

##Question 1

##Data input for stress level vectors

HighStress <- c(10,9,8,9,10,8)

ModerateStress <- c(8,10,6,7,8,8)

LowStress <- c(4,6,6,4,2,2)

#generate data frame to help incorpirate all three variables

stress <- data.frame(cbind(HighStress, ModerateStress, LowStress))

stressStack <- stack(stress)

#Next, I will run an ANOVA test on the dataframe created from the inital data for each stress level

oneway.test(values~ind,data = stressStack)

## Remember this assumes a non-equal variance (note to self: See personal notepad as to why)

#Next WE will perform an ANOVA test o the data derived from the initial Stress level vectors

aovResult <- aov(values~ind,data = stressStack)


##Key for results in Console

#df = degrees of freedom

#SumSq = Sum of the Squares from the variable

#Mean sq = sum sq / df

#F-Value = mean sq var / mean sq residual

#p-value associated with the f-value denoted by Pr(>F)

# Because the p-value is less than a 0.05 

##The results are signifigant and the null hypothesis is rejected

#Question 2

##First I need to set up to zelazo dataset



##First line of buisiness involves creating a dataframe and employing cbind for the columns

##We will then conduct an independant t-test with the dataframe and then an ANOVA test

##The data set zelazo is a list of 4 vectors 

##We need to convert the list into dataframecolumns

zdf <-, zelazo))

#stack zdf

zdfstsack <- stack(zdf)

#Independant T-Test on active and passive

t.test(zelazo$active, zelazo$passive)

#Defining the test results to a variable to examine the summary results

A.S.Stat <- t.test(zelazo$active, zelazo$passive)


##Next, an ANOVA test with the datafram zdf

aov(values~ind,data = zdfstack)

##This dataset ran warnings and would not compile or give any entries

##For some reason my computer is having issues internally with this package 


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