Final Project for LIS4273
FinalStatsProjectRCode.R Tyler House 2021-11-27 #Final R stats Project #This project will be on the topic of heart disease predictors, and if certain other..... ## ##set directory and load the dataset and entitle heartdata setwd ( "C:/users/Tyler/Desktop/FinalStatsProject" ) heartdata <- read.csv ( "heart.csv" ) ##This dataset is huge and I will select only samples of 100 ##Most doctors, other medical professionals and medical editorials will state that most men and women in America in recent years #tend to have an increasing propensity to have heart disease after the age of 40 due to a variety of factors and combinations of these factors #the purpose of this analysis is to employ a dataset that revolves around heart disease while simultaneously listing off crucial vital sign data #that would be predictive of heart disease regardless of the Y/N column that heartdata$HeartDisease is. ##My hypothesis is that people from the ages of 40 onw...